The access permission of this file doesn’t allow writing. A File System error was encountered; try running Disk First Aid. There was a problem encountered during the rename process. External file system error; a bad path reference number was used. This is not a Macintosh disk. No such drive is available; tried to mount a bad drive number. Internal error; the specified volume is already mounted and on line. The file is already open, or is open by another user on the network. The volume is not on line. An error occurred during GetFpos. Internal error; a file is probably already closed. Internal error; bad parameter. The file is already open for writing. Only one writer is allowed. A file with that name already exists. The file is busy; it was already open. The volume is locked by a software flag. The file is locked. Check the “Locked” checkbox in the Finder’s Get Info window. The disk is locked. The file was not found. There are too many files open. Memory is full (open) or file won’t fit (load). Attempt to position before start of file. Premature end-of-file. The file is probably damaged. The file is not open. A bad file name or volume name was used. Macintosh I/O Error! Back up your data and verify the disk immediately. The specified volume doesn’t exist. The disk is full. The file directory is full.